


SG 57/24

The EU has initiated a consultation over its proposed revision to the food contact plastic and GMP regulations. 征集意见的截止日期为2024年4月15日.

2024年3月,欧盟委员会(EC) 宣布 a four-week consultation over its draft regulation to revise two pieces of legislation on food contact materials and articles: 

The draft regulation aims to strengthen quality control rules for food contact plastics by:

The proposal also adds quality control rules for good manufacturing practice


除另有说明外,规例(EU)第. 10/2011突出了
  • A substance is considered as having a high degree of purity if all of its constituents form part of its identity, and it otherwise only contains a minor quantity of contaminants and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) that meet one of several conditions, 包括但不限于:
    • They have undergone a risk assessment in accordance with internationally recognized scientific principles (Article 19) and considered compliant
    • ≤ 0.05 mg/kg if they are not genotoxic after an individual toxicological assessment
    • ≤ 0.00015 mg/kg for an individual migration if they are unknowns or have not undergone an assessment in one of the two sub-bullet points above
  • 用于生产塑料材料和制品的物质, 包括来自废物的, 必须是高纯度的吗
  • 塑料材料制造商, components and finished goods must provide the substance composition to the authorities if requested
  • 塑料材料制造商, components and finished goods are obliged to permit authorities to take samples to verify their purity and composition, 包括用于制造它们的物质和材料
Article 10 ‘General restrictions and requirements concerning the composition of plastic materials and articles’
  • Plastic materials and articles may contain reprocessed plastic if such plastic meets certain conditions
  • The composition of food contact plastics for repeated use must guarantee that there is no increase in the migration of constituents of the material or article to food during that maximum life span when subjected to subsequent use cycles (Article 10(3))
  • 将title替换为'标签,符合性声明和文件
  • 新增第4a条:
    • Manufacturer or other economic operator responsible for placing a repeated use material or article on the market must furnish information on its maximum life span to users by means of labeling or instructions, 包括适当的指示,以减缓恶化, and a description of observable changes that may indicate deterioration of the material or article and that it has reached its maximum life span

    • Food contact plastics that are not yet in contact with food must be labeled with instructions of use at the point of sale or supply to consumers, if they are produced with substances on the positive list with one or more of the following specifications in Annex I 表1 Column 10:

      • 特定的食物或一组食物
      • 接触时间和/或温度
      • 可在烤箱、微波炉等加热条件下使用

    • The labeling mentioned above must be indelibly affixed to the repeated use material or article, 除非由于技术原因无法实现. 要求字体大小至少为9码(3毫米)
  • 修订“奶酪”的语言和食品模拟物(参考文献no . 07).04、表2)
  • Adds ‘maximum lifespan of the material or article based on a report evaluation by taking into account the elements in Article 10(3)’ for one of the specifications on the use of the material or article

  • New requirements for a batch of plastic materials for reprocessing and the use of substances on the positive list that have been produced from waste
  • Revises introductory section indicating that the analytical method for migration testing compliance is in accordance with 法规(EU) 2017/625第34条 通过应用特定的性能标准

  • 取代第2点.1.6、重复使用材料和物品
    • 不遵守迁移测试的新指标
    • New specific performance criteria for compliance with specific migration levels
  • 取代第3点.3.用新语言重复使用材料和冠词
规例(欧洲共同体)第. 2023/2006“GMP”
  • 修订法规(EU) 2022/1616的引用
  • Mandates recyclers to implement specific requirements for quality assurance systems
  • New requirements for reprocessing of plastics falling under 规例(欧盟)编号. 10/2011


SGS technical experts have extensive knowledge and testing experience in materials and articles in contact with food. They work to ensure that your products meet the appropriate regulations for food contact materials, 为合规铺平道路. 从总体移民测试到对新法规的专家建议, 合规问题和文档审查, SGS是值得信赖的合作伙伴. 了解更多关于 我们的网站. 最后,它之所以可信,是因为它经过了测试.

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Dr. HingWo曾





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